Judges Cup 2023
NAWGJ Educational Projects
Three weeks ago, the NAWGJ Education Committee sent a survey to members seeking input on new educational projects. They received 540 responses. At the end of the survey, the Committee indicated they would be accepting applications from judges interested in...
Here is some important info for upcoming events. 1. National Symposium. Deadline for early registration is fast approaching. Deadline is March 1st. So Cal Nawgj is reimbursing $750 for those that attend. Join us for the 50th anniversary in Grand Rapids....
Region 1 Virtual Base Score Clinic
Click to Register for the Region 1 Virtual Base Score...
TOPS Certification Announcement
USA Gymnastics Women’s Program is excited to announce the TOPS Judges’ Certification course is now available to all WAG judges holding a Level 10 / National / Brevet rating. To access the course: Login to your account at usagym.org. Go to the Education homepage on the...
Congrats to the Socal Level 7 National Judges Cup Team
Congratulations to the following athletes for qualifying to represent So-Cal at the 2023 National Judges Cup in Denton, TX. Brenna Dwyer Flight School Karly Keoveunxay Sokol Elite Megan Kwock Winners Chantelle Ross ...
SoCal Testing Opportunity
The first optional testing opportunity in So Cal will be Sept 25th at 6:30 at AGA in Signal Hill , CA. The times will be set after the registration deadline has passed but it will be in the late afternoon to early evening. It should be posted to the usag website today...
New Level 9/10 Element Value Test
New Level 9/10 Element Value Test by Briana Porrazzo https://forms.gle/2dxuRYDdiooyHWcs7